sour Cherry ripe



  • 1 & 1/2 cups coconut chips (or desiccated coconut) 
  • 1 x can coconut cream or milk (i think milk works slightly better) 
  • 1 x cup frozen sour cherries 
  • 2 x tsp vanilla extract or bean 
  • juice of 1/2 lemon 
  • 3 x tbsp maple syrup 

Chocolate drizzle

  • 1/2 x block of alter eco 85% dark cacao chocolate 
  • 2 x tbsp coconut oil 
  • 1 x dash maple syrup 
  • 1 x tsp neural nectar mushroom complex from Superfeast 




  1. Add all ingredients accept chocolate into a high powered blender until smooth. The coconut will give the a roughish texture so it won't be completely silky smooth. 
  2. Add the mixture to a pre-lined baking tray or dish and pop into the freezer to set. 
  3. Add chocolate drizzle ingredients to a metal or glass bowl over a pot of boiling water until melted & combined. 
  4.  Once set, remove the slice from the freezer, cut into squares and drizzle with the chocolate. The chocolate should set pretty much instantly due to the temperature differences. 
  5. Enjoy immediately! 
  6. Store in the freezer 


Nutrition info: 

  • Tart cherries are plentiful in phytochemicals such as anthocyanin's (responsible for the dark pigment) contributing to a vast range of health benefits. Consumption is associated with reduced circulating pro-inflammatory markers, reducing symptoms of gout, may have analgesic affect post long distance running & improved post recovery, reducing oxidative stress AND improving sleep quality! 
  • tart cherries have been reported to have anti-inflammatory properties comparable to that of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or nurofen. 
  • Tart (or sour) cherries have been studied due to their rich concentrations of melatonin. Melatonin is the neurotransmitter that is responsible/influenced by the wake/sleep cycle (circadian rhythm). Melatonin is a potent anti-inflammatory mediator also stimulating restore and repair processes while you sleep. 
  • Low levels of melatonin have also been associated with the worsening of insulin resistance (insulin is the messenger to allow glucose to be uptake into the cells and utilised as energy, when you become resistant to insulin that means it no longer functions as intended and can lead to diabetes) via the GLUT 4 receptor. 


