Eggs - the easiest nutrient booster

Eggs are an excellent source of nutrition to add into your diet on a regular basis. They’re a good source of Vitamin K, B group vitamins including; B1 (thiamine), Biotin B7, B12, selenium, vitamin D, iodine, choline, betaine, glycine and protein. In addition to protein, eggs (the yolk) contains bioactive lipids such as phospholipids, choline, carotenoids, monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Phospholipids account for 10% of the wet weight of the egg yolk, which mainly includes phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, lysophosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin. They contain 40 trace elements (vitamins and minerals) all but vitamin C that directly impact a multitude of areas of human health such as membrane integrity, cholesterol metabolism, protection against LDL and HDL oxidation and the list goes on. 



Phospholipids, as the name implies contains a phosphate as well as a fatty acid tail (can be multiple). There are 2 specific categories in which phospholipids are categorized and that is in reference to their chemical structure. Category 1 being glycerophosphatides, which has a core structure of glycerol, and category 2 being sphinogophosphatides which has a core structure of a amino (protein) alcohol sphingosine (2). Confusing, I know, but all you need to take away from this is phospholipids play several roles in the body such as important components of our cell membranes. Everything you can see, structurally, functionally and biochemically, is made from cells so these membranes we speak of, are important. These phospholipids also contain physiologically active compounds required for the production of inflammatory or anti-inflammatroy mediators within the body. So depending on the quality of the fat we eat will determine the quality of our cell membranes.


Eggs are a good source of phosphotitalcholine (lecithin), and may play a role in fetal brain development as inadequate intakes of choline throughout pregnancy increases the risk of neural tube defects in infants (3). 







Where our eggs come from and the diets of the laying hens directly impacts the composition of the polyunsaturated fats and the presence of EPA, DHA in the eggs (functional consituents of omega 3 fatty acids in the body). Diets enriched with linolenic acid from flax meal, fish meal or insects will achieve the best results. 






1.     Bring a saucepan of water to the boil on a medium to high heat, on the stove. 

2.     Once water is boiling add the eggs to the water for 6.5 minutes exactly! 

3.     Once that timer goes off, remove saucepan from the stove, drain water and cover with cold water to help them cool down before peeling. 

4.     Peel eggs completely, and then when you cut it open, the gorgeous yolk will ooze out perfectly all over  your breakfast! 







Call me crazy, but don’t knock it till ya try it. 


In the microwave (or stove top) place ¼-1/2 x cup of oats with 1 x cup boiling water and 1 x tsp of either miso or curry powder (2 completely different outcomes) salt and pepper, and cook as per cooking instructions (generally 90 seconds in a microwave, and until bubbling on the stove). Top with sesame seeds, the perfectly boiled eggs, chili flakes & boom, savoury oats are your new favourite breakfast. 


Alternatively, pop them into egg cup’s whole, and slice the tops off exposing the eggs and serve with sliced up toast for the kids AS SOILDERS! 








1.         Kuang, H., Yang, F., Zhang, Y., Wang, T., & Chen, G. (2018). The Impact of Egg Nutrient Composition and Its Consumption on Cholesterol Homeostasis. Cholesterol2018, 6303810. doi:10.1155/2018/6303810


2.         Gropper, S. S.,  & Smith, J. L. (2012). Advanced nutrition and human metabolism (6thed.). Belmont, USA: Wadsworth. 


3.         Shaw, G. M., Carmichael, S. L., Yang, W., Selvin, S., & Schaffer, D. M. (2004). Periconceptional dietary intake of choline and betaine and neural tube defects in offspring. American journal of epidemiology160(2), 102-109.


4.         Hechtman, L. (2018). Clinical Naturopathic Medicine (2nded.). Chatswood, NSW: Elsevier.