The Formula Conversation...
Hello beautiful beautiful people! This ones a little sciencey so please dont hesitate to contact me if you have any questions! or would like the reference list :)
The Western diet is of a highly processed nature due to the fact that nowadays, as a society, we live extremely busy lifestyles. We are all, generally speaking, strapped for time due to the pressures of the fast-paced, digital world in which we live in. With time consuming commitments like work, kids, and of course, trying to fit in a social life, we have compromised our diets.
Convenience is so easy and time is something we no longer have. Convenience foods or
processed foods, often lack quality and nutrition.Organic, conventional and biodynamic farming methods impact the nutritional content of the foods we eat. Conventional farming methods include the use of supplemental mineral fertilizer and chemical pesticides and herbicides. This increases crop yield but compromises soil and food quality, and not to mention, the negative environmental impacts. Biodynamic farming methods contribute to better soil composition- more alkaline PH balance, microbial content, and reduced environmental pesticide residues. Thus, better environmental outcomes and quality of foods (Fließbach, Oberholzer, Gunst, & Mäder,
Livestock farming is relatively similar. Red meat is a nutrient-dense protein and a good
source of polyunsaturated fats (good fats). However, it also contains additional saturated
and trans fats (bad fats)(Daley, CA, Abbott, A, Doyle, PS, Nader, GA, Larson, 2010). The
consumption of excessive saturated and trans fats have been linked to medical conditions
such us atherosclerosis, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. Polyunsaturated fats
consist of (but are not limited to) linoleic acid- an omega 6 (n-6) fatty acid, and a-linoleic
acid- an omega 3 (n-3) fatty acid. A healthy diet should consist of a 1:1 ration of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids. However, a typical Western diet can sometimes can often of a ratio of 30:1. The omega 6 (linoleic acid) fatty acid pathway (pictured below- left pathway) converts down to arachidonic acid. Arachodonic acid is responsible for manufacturing inflammatory mediators in the body. This results in inflammation and in turn, negative health effects. Daley et al., (2010) found that Grass-fed beef had a far superior omega 3 content (7.65) in comparison to grain fed beef (1.53). Omega 3 has been the subject of a widespread research as the omega 3 metabolic pathway converts a-linolenic acid (aLA), to eicosapentaenoic acid (which is the technical term for EPA), then to docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), and finally to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA are the active compounds in our bodies that exert anti-inflammatory effects and are extremely important for our neurological health (Daley, CA, Abbott, A, Doyle, PS, Nader, GA, Larson, 2010).
All of this being said, formula from cow’s milk is no different. Studies show the composition of GGrass FFed cow’s milk follows the same trend as grass-fed beef vs. the conventional, grain or stall fed cows (Rego et al., 2016). Pasture fed cows have been shown to contain significantly higher concentrations of protein. They contain a-linoleic acid (omega 3) and a higher total omega 3 content and lower omega 6. Pasture-fed cow’s milk also has greater concentrations of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and increased antioxidant levels than its counterpart, conventionally farmed grain fed cows (Elgersma,. 2015). Through this research we can see that there is evidence, of the benefits, for our little ones consuming Grass Fed milk.
Consuming a product that comes from cows, which live in their most natural environment, provides the most original form of the nutritional profile and it is best to leave it up to nature because, nature gets it right, and humans often get it wrong.
Brady has been on the Munchkin Grass Fed Milk-Based Toddler Drink for months and in my opinion, it is by far the best on the market. Munchkin Grass Fed is made with milk from grass-fed cows, which has the ideal balance of essential fatty acids and is flowing with Vitamins A and E. The milk from grass-fed cows also has up to 5x more Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) than milk from grain fed cows. What this means, is that Munchkin Grass Fed is made with milk that is naturally packed with quality nutrients – something that other “comparable” products cannot say for the sources of their milk.
Although breast milk is always the best possible source of nutrition for our bubs, Munchkin Grass Fed provides the highest quality toddler drink on the market with milk from 100% grass-fed cows. Munchkin Grass Fed comes in three age-appropriate formulations as nutritional requirements change across the infancy lifespan and our bubs grow four times their size in the first 24 months of life. They have the highest nutritional requirement of any stage of life, so these things are extremely important for development! Munchkin Grass Fed can be found in Coles, some chemists & also online on their website.
I hope this information clears up any confusion around the importance of a great quality formula and is useful to you! Please note that Brady does not suffer from any allergies or intolerance to dairy formula. If your child cannot tolerate dairy please consult your health care professional before considering this product. Comment on my latest IG post to let me know what you think and if you enjoyed reading this blog!